Latest news
- SS4IT Partnered with Sparx System to provide leading industry Enterprise Architecture Products to our value client.
- Manulife awarded contract to SS4IT to implement end to end Core Banking Applications. Our Scrum team delivered the apps every month to add business value and minimize the risk.
- SS4IT implemented in house cloud infurstracture to support Iaas, and Pas to expedite and simplify Enterprise Architecture Consulting and Traning contract with Ethiopian Information Network Security Agency (INSA).
- SS4IT finalized Enterprise Architecture Consulting and Traning contract with Ethiopian Information Network Security Agency (INSA).
- SS4IT participated with Canadian
trade mission to Africa for exploring IT opportunities aboard.
- Our long term contract renewed with CIBC proving cloud based Shared services.
- SS4IT partnered with CMMI to provide CMMI training and appraisal services.
- BMO selected SS4IT to integrate BMO wire payment system with newly aquired Bank in US.
- SS4IT expert implemented Bell Canada's Enterprise Architecture for smart mobile
SS4IT committed to provide Business Aligned IT solutions to successfuly implement your Business Objectives and Vision. Strong track record in delighting our customer which restulted in 90 repeate business. volumes for our capabilities to deliver results. That's why more than 90% of our customers give us repeat business.
SS4IT can help your company deliver results by:
• Reducing business costs
• Decreasing time-to-market
• Improving customer satisfaction
what make us unique
We believe that three things set us apart from our compitition:
1. Highly qualified professionals with Open Group Level two and level three archituture certificaiton and PMP Certified Project Manager.
2. Subject Matter Expert, Cloud based Solution, Enterprise Architures, CMMI consulting, large system integration and custom application development.
3. Record of awards from our partners and Track record of on-time on-budget delivery since 2008
Our Community Support
We strongly believe IT solutions alone will not build Smart Community. Our company constantly supporting communities across the globe by providing fire truck, medical equipment, participate in IT without border training, Human Society and NGO Foundations.